360 Degree Employee Evaluation Template
You have been selected to evaluate one of your associates by completing the following 360 Degree Evaluation survey. Your answers will be compiled with feedback from several other employees and therefore will be anonymous. This information will be used to help set goals and objectives for this employee. I ask that you complete this short survey within 2 business days of receiving this notice.

Please ensure that you answer these questions as truthfully and as comprehensively as possible as your colleagues will rarely get such valuable feedback and such an opportunity to develop.

Thank you for your participation in this 360 Degree Evaluation.

Participant Information
Question 1.  
What is your relationship to this employee?
Selection Customer - Select this option if this person supplies a service to you
Selection Self - I am the person being evaluated
Selection Manager - Select this if this employee reports directly to you
Selection Peer - Select this if you work alongside the person (similar designation)
Selection Subordinate - Select this if you report to this Employee