Survey : Page
Employee Company Satisfaction Survey
Question 1.
Which Department do you work in?
Question 2.
Which of the following best describes your position here?
Question 3.
How long have you worked at (company)?
Question 4.
Please rate how much you agree with each of the following statements.
| Strongly Agree | Somewhat Agree | Neutral | Somewhat Disagree | Strongly Disagree | N/A |
I am compensated fairly |
I know what is expected of me |
My work accomplishments are appreciated by the company |
My work accomplishments are appreciated by my boss |
I enjoy coming to work |
My colleagues do quality work |
My work place is safe |
I enjoy working with my colleagues |
I am treated fairly |
There are many talented people with whom I work |
The company physical layout and décor is pleasing |
My work place allows me to work efficiently |
The company cares about my development |
I have the opportunity to learn and develop new skills |