Survey : Page
Employee Satisfaction Survey Template
The purpose of this survey is to obtain information about employees' views and opinions on the APEX STEEL work environment. The survey results should serve to promote working conditions and the work environment in general.
Please read carefully every question before answering. You should express your opinions only, without discussing them with fellow co-workers. This is very important because the purpose of the survey is to obtain a true image of your views and opinions on certain issues. It is also recommended that all questions be answered.
Your participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. You will be given a paper questionnaire by the head of the sector you work in. Please put your completed questionnaire into an envelop provided and place in specially marked boxes provided.
This survey focuses on how employees feel about their job description, experience working for Apex Steel, position within the company, relationships with colleagues and superiors, advancement opportunities, and overall satisfaction.
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
Question 1.
Which Department do you work in?
Question 2.
Which of the following best describes your position here?
Question 3.
How long have you worked at (company)?